The Bronn and Hound Show


So I finally finished the thing. I'm totally caught up, and don't have to be the idiot thrusting my fingers into my ear holes singing Baby Got Back every time I hear anyone mention something or someone from the show. It rules! I feel like the cool kids at school are suddenly saying hey to me in the hallway. Overall, I love love LOVE the show. There are a few things that drive me nuts, like the most bad-ass character being played by an actor who is clearly uncomfortable in her own body, the theme song of blah blah blahblah blah blah litany, and those fake languages that are all exactly alike, but these are tiny things! I am a tad worried after episode 4 because i"m uncertain about the future of one of my GoT boyfriends, and I don't want to have to punch a TV.

Thank gott someone out there making GIFs shares my obsession!

Thank gott someone out there making GIFs shares my obsession!

THESE TWO!! Can you even? Cause I can't, let me tell you. Although I knew Arya probably hadn't left the Hound to die since we never actually saw him die on screen, I was still NOT HAPPY ONE LITTLE BIT. I like Arya, she's amazing. But I'd take the Hound over her any day. I'm always gonna get swoony over a character with layers, especially when the layers include whoop ass and true IDGAF faces. And BRONN! He is beyond description, I want him as the quarterback of my team and the CEO of my company. So I have begun trolling the internet for images that inspire my imagination, because I'm picturing a spin-off or a buddy flick for these two BIG TIME.

I'll drink to that! 

So, do you think there's a connection between these two? They have a kind of baffling confrontation right before the Battle of Blackwater, but nothing ever comes of it. It felt like something was supposed to happen between them after that scene - maybe it got deleted? I'm sure Joffrey sent Sandor to kill Bronn, since Bronn was Tyrion's main dude, but they didn't fight each other like that scene kind of implied they would. In fact, Bronn totally helps Sandor out in the battle. Hmmmmm, foreshadowing?! They both LOVE KILLING, right? Wouldn't they be the best duo???

SHUT UP, YES YOU WOULD, BRONN. And Bronn would get to be the cute(r) one who gets all the ladies, while Sandor continues to explore his sensitive side, (which I'm guessing is the burnt one), while they have new adventures......where? Doing what? It would be fun to take these two characters out of Westeros, right? Maybe whoopin' up on some kind of alien planet or something with their big swords and their Ikea rug capes? I bet there's some fan-fiction out there, I just haven't looked. Or maybe I'll just write it myself. 

So thanks to whoever the fellow nerd is making these combo GIFs - it's getting my creative side stimulated. I'll ponder the possibilities and get back to you, my five lovely readers.

Speaking of five, it's now 2 days since I wrote and didn't publish this, and I watched ep. 5 last night. Total snooze-fest, right? The important thing is that both of my BFs are alive and still all kinds of fucked up, I guess.

But I'm gonna watch ep. 4 again anyway. BRIENNE AND ARYA 4 LYFE.

In the Throes of Thrones

I frequently feel like the uncoolest of kids. I don't have cable, and therefore don't get half of the references made on social media because HOT DAMN, y'all watch some TV. But guess what! I made a small upgrade to my streaming life, and now I know what #GOT means! I'm ALMOST COOL, I CAN FEEL IT!

I have quickly devoured the first 7 episodes of season 1, and am about to begin the delightfully titled episode 8, "The Pointy End". Observations from my fast and hard introduction to this series:

  1. I still hate every theme song from every excellent HBO series ever made. Hatey hate.
  2. Holy buckets o' bank, they are spending a fortune on this junt.
  3. A viewers' companion guide, i.e. GOT for Dummies, would be nice. He's whose brother? And they were king when? And WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE?
  4. Whores whores whores galores. Who wants a whore? We gots whores. Gitcher whores!
  5. I wish I had spent more time on fight combat training when I had the chance. Curses! Cudgels and morning stars and broadswords, oh my!
  6. The costuming is so good I can smell these people. 
  7. If I had any real friends, they would have strapped me to a chair 6 years ago and made sure I watched this. But alas.

Speaking of friends, I probably won't have any soon, since I can't quit my job or anything else and will have to spend all of my (haha) free time watching this show now instead of out with them. Sorry, y'all. Blame HBO and Amazon Prime. But hey! At least I won't have that vacant look on my face the next time you bring this shit up! Well, at least not QUITE so vacant.